Self-accountability for solopreneurs

Accountability matters

It can be tricky to hold yourself accountable, especially when you're at the start of your journey and are still embedding new habits. This is applicable whether it’s a fitness journey, a time management journey or your business journey!

When you’re working for yourself, or if it’s a personal goal you want to achieve, you’ve got no-one to answer to aside from yourself.

How to improve your self-accountability

Goal setting

Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable; break it down into manageable chunks with deadlines that you can map out in your project management tool (I love Asana). It will be easier to hold yourself accountable if you have a road map to follow.

Values + vision

I’d also check-in at this point to make sure that your goal is in alignment with your core values and your longer-term vision. I find that when I’m trying to accomplish things that are out of alignment, it doesn’t feel good and I’m more likely to procrastinate etc. You want to be able to tap into ‘your why’ as this will help keep you motivated.

Commitment to yourself

Sign a contract with yourself, and put it on the wall of your office - here’s an example of a certificate of commitment that you could use that you can edit in Canva.

You could put your money on the line at the website StickK here.

I’ve also found that publicly committing to a goal on my social media or blog can help.

A thoughtful schedule

I use my project management tool (Asana) in conjunction with my Google calendar, and ensure these are aligned. For instance, do I have enough time in my schedule to allow me to accomplish the to-dos that I’ve set for myself for the day/week ahead. Having a thoughtful and robust schedule for the week will make it more likely you’ll stick with your commitments.

Use technology

Leverage technology by setting yourself reminders for upcoming deadlines; your calendar and to-do list (if you use electronic tools) can be very powerful. These daily nudges will help you stick with your plan.

Habits + routines

What habits and routines will help support you achieve your goal? Have a think about the daily/weekly activities that will help you get closer to your goal, and you might want to try using a habit tracker (you’ll find the one I use here). Having my habit tracker on the wall in my kitchen is a frequent reminder of my intention for the week and can help keep me aligned with my goal(s).

Accountability partners can help

It’s been shown that by having an accountability partner, you’re 95% likely to complete your goal. Here are the probabilities from the research article:

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal

  • Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25%

  • Deciding when you will do it: 40%

  • Planning how to do it: 50%

  • Committing to someone that you will do it: 65%

  • Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95%

Your invitation to join Project Manage Your Life + Biz

Having an accountability group can be transformational, and can be crucial in helping you achieve your personal and professional goals.

It increases your commitment, helps maintain focus on your priorities, reduces procrastination and improves performance. It's also really beneficial to have a community to share wins, but also the challenges as you can receive guidance and perspective.

Within my exclusive membership, Project Manage Your Life + Biz, we have accountability woven through the framework. There is a monthly accountability check-in form to complete, which comes directly to myself allowing me to help gently hold you accountable to what you said you were going to do. There are also monthly reflection + planning calls where we reflect, plan + set goals for the month (amongst other things too!). On top of this, there’s an option to join an accountability pod with one or two members. Interested? Find out more and sign up here.


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