How your website copy can save time in the sales process

Today’s guest blog post is from Meghan Downs, website copywriter. Meghan’s mission is to help as many talented, creative, and quirky service providers shout about how awesome they are with copy they can be proud of. In today’s post she’s sharing how you can save time through great website copy.

Are you looking to reduce the time taken to sell your services? Although there are many tools and tricks out there to help increase your sales efficiency, this blog post focuses on something that can sell your brand 24/7 – your website copy.

Save yourself valuable time and energy with website copy tailored to your ideal clients

When done right, your website copy (the messaging and wording on your website) can become your best sales assistant. The words you use can nudge an uncertain browser into an enthusiastic buyer, developing trust and credibility without you having to speak to them directly. 

Well-positioned website copy: 

  • Showcases what you do and who for

  • Explains what makes you different

  • Answers common questions

  • Builds trust and credibility

  • Streamlines the buyer’s journey

  • Pre-qualifies potential customers

  • Persuades people to take action

How well is your website copy performing? Take the free quiz to find out in less than 2 minutes.

Picture your ideal customers. When they come across your brand, you want to form a connection and do everything in your power to remove any doubt. That means addressing potential objections, reflecting your value, and explaining how you solve their problems. All in a persuasive, clear way. So it’s vital to understand your customer’s needs, troubles, hesitations, and expectations to produce effective website copy. 

Many business owners struggle to look at their business objectively, so miss things that seem ‘obvious’ in their copy, which causes confusion and ultimately increases the time spent on your sales process. Let’s go into some ways you can better understand your customers…

Tips for researching your ideal customers 

The best way to gather customer research depends on the type of business you run and how long you’ve been in business. The longer you’ve been trading, you will naturally develop a deeper understanding than if you’re a brand-new start-up. 

But as a general rule, a great place to start is the old-fashioned way – picking up the phone to ask your customers questions. Quick interviews are a great way to learn from your best previous or current customers what they think of your business, including why they chose you over competitors. You can also use surveys if you don’t wish to conduct interviews, offering an incentive for people to complete the survey such as a gift card or freebie. 

When it comes to onboarding new customers, what questions do they currently ask you? Make a note any time a question, hesitation, or concern pops up so you can adapt your website copy to address this. 

You can also look out for what people are discussing online about your industry in general – even if it’s about your competitors – so you learn how they describe their problems and ask questions. Look at review forums, social media, and even Google Reviews of competitors if you don’t have much data from your own customers yet. 

The more information you know about your customers, the better. Having everything your customer needs to make a decision clearly laid out in your website copy reduces the sales process time, increasing not only your revenue but also your free time. 

3 ways website copy helps to sell your brand 24/7 while reducing your time in the process...

1. There will be no confusion around what you offer, meaning no wasted enquiries

How many times have you spoken to potential prospects only to realise they aren’t the right fit for your business? 

Just think about how much time not having wrong-fit prospects contacting you will save your business, as it’s time-consuming and a drain on your resources. It often takes a while to discover when people aren’t in a position to buy from you or are looking for something different. 

With tailored website copy, people have the information they need upfront to decide whether you’re the right business to help them. You reduce your sales enquiry process because qualifying questions or statements in the copy filter out non-ideal prospects.

2. You will get asked fewer questions about your service and process

Do you get emailed the same questions all the time by potential clients? Or are people calling you asking how it all works?

Whether you reply via email or book a sales call, if you lay out expectations for working with you in your website copy, you won’t have to dedicate time to explaining it... so no more repeating yourself.

Instead, your website copy can break down the process, including a potential timeline, the next steps, prices, and anything else people usually ask you. 

3. Your calls become compatibility tests rather than a pitching event

Do sales calls usually feel like you are convincing potential customers to buy from you? 

Potential customers judge your brand before booking a call. So with great website copy, they already understand what you do, how you can help them, and why you’re the right fit for them. 

This means that instead of having to ‘sell’ to people on an initial call, you’ll simply make sure you’re the right fit and have a chance to discuss specifics… this approach changes the dynamics of the conversation with potential clients, giving you more confidence and saving you time. 

Strengthen your website copy with supporting content 

While your main website copy should encourage smooth, stress-free sales, you can use supporting content to make this even more successful. There may be questions you get asked less often, or they aren’t such a defining factor when people are deciding whether to buy or not, so extra content works well for this. You can address the main objections in your website copy but also create an additional resource that digs deeper into the topic if required. 

For example, if you have a blog post that addresses your ideal clients’ concerns throughout the sales process, you email it before the sales call. This may answer their questions in advance, so rather than you having to go through something together, they’ve been able to digest the information themselves.

You can also share supporting video content, emails, social media posts, and other forms of online content marketing to educate prospects who are not yet ready to buy, so that when they decide to take action they have no hesitations. 

Quiz: See how you can improve your website copy performance

Now you can see how much time you could save with professional website copy that’s tailored to your customers' needs, here’s how to check if your current copy is performing well or not… 

Website copywriter Meghan Downs has created a simple quiz to test your website copy’s effectiveness. Simply answer 10 questions about your current sales process to instantly see which areas you need to improve to save time and increase conversions.

Take the copy quiz here

If you need expert help implementing the changes to your copy, you can contact Meghan here.


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