I absolutely love that I can schedule my content… think newsletters and social media posts… ahead of time. This allows me to batch produce material when I'm in the right energy and/or feeling creative, and essentially work smarter.

One of the intentions with my life coaching business and my art, was to create passive income streams. Passive income is a revenue stream that requires little or no effort to maintain. In my consulting role, I am essentially trading time for money - I work one hour, and I get paid one hour in return - but this isn't the only way to create a salary.

Do you live to work, or work to live?

For my income streams, they are more like semi-passive income streams… because they have required a lot of effort upfront… but now that the majority of the work is done, they certainly take up less of my time to manage.

My examples are the signature programme that I have created (Project Manage Your Life ), my art prints & products and affiliate marketing (earning a commission by promoting a product or service; I have my affiliate links here on my website). I've also got a few other things that I'm working on behind the scenes!

These (semi) passive income streams allow me time freedom.

With my free time that I have created, I am able to be more present with my children and I have also carved out time to give back. I volunteer each week with my local hospice, and I love the time that I spend with the day visitors to the unit. What's nice is that I'm able to share my learnings on mindfulness, and I also do a guided meditation for them. If you are new to me & my story, my mum died of cancer when I was 19 years old, and she was in a hospice (albeit in Aberdeen) for her end of life care - so it's a cause that's close to my heart.

A few questions or prompts for you before I wrap up -

Are there any ways that you can work smarter… either in your home life, or business?

What would you do with a few extra hours free time each week?

Let me know in the comments!

artwork by sarah stewart scottish artist with the words work smarter not harder and a cartoon of a lady drinking a cup of tea

The gift of giving


What is project management?