Five manifesting techniques to help you smash your 2023 goals

Today I’m bringing you a guest post by Jen Collins, founder of Your Next Level Self.

2022 - How was it for you??

For me, it had a mixture of highs and lows - I launched my blog, Your Next Level Self (High), started a new career (High), then had a relationship break-up (Low) and as a result, I felt like my mojo just left me for a while, along with the goals and expectations I put upon myself to achieve in 2022. 

I guess, sometimes life gets in the way. I decided it’s ok to not always be chasing goals, like I so often find myself doing, instead, this year I gave myself grace and the time to just BE, made small progress on my goals — and, surprisingly, I actually quite enjoyed it.

So as 2023 is within reach - and my mojo is coming back (as did my relationship, we couldn't stay apart for too long!) - I’ve been reminding myself of the goals I set for myself and given them a new timeframe and lease of life.

I’ve also reacquainted myself with the law of attraction techniques I’ve used so much in my life to create what I’ve wanted so far: new homes, new sources of income, property investments, business opportunities…. And my relationship!!

So here are five manifesting techniques you can use too to help you on a path to intentional living - get your pen and paper ready:

Let’s start with understanding the basis of the Law of Attraction - if what you think about in your mind becomes your physical reality - what are your thoughts creating for you right now?

Just PAUSE to let that sink in and really think about it…..

What are you placing your focus on? Are you focusing on things that are helping you or hindering you?

  • First step is awareness. Tune in to what your dominant thoughts are - write them out - and look at them one by one. 

Question each one and ask - how are these thoughts serving me? What am I currently manifesting by thinking about them? Am I being intentional with my thoughts to bring into my life what I want to bring in … or am I letting my thoughts get the better of me and am I focusing on what makes me unhappy?

  • Now it’s time to get intentional with your thoughts - if you were to be intentional about your thoughts and you placed your focus on what you DO WANT to bring into your life what would it be? 

Write it down - all of it down - no matter how ridiculous or far from reality it seems - get wild with it, as Albert Einstein once said: ‘Imagination is everything, it’s the preview of life’s coming attractions’ (I really love that quote - it’s so powerful!)

So if you had to dream of what you would love your life’s coming attractions to be - what would you see?? Write it all out as if it was happening for you….

  • Next decide how you turn these thoughts into the goals that will make them a reality. Goals should be specific, include a timeframe and measurable - for example:

I will have saved £25,000 for a deposit to buy a new 3 bedroom home with a garden and garage by January 2024.

  • Now make it a daily practice to write out your goals, do it every single day. The more focus you place on them daily, the more likely you are to achieve them - if you want to understand the science behind this - you can read more here.

  • Finally - you’ve got to do the work and the actions that will lead you to achieving the goals. Manifesting isnt magic it requires you to take action too. Repeat these steps daily: ‘Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out’, Robert Collier, to keep your dreams alive and to give you the inspiration and motivation you need to achieve them.

So, now that you know more about the techniques you can use to start to reprogramme your brain - if you are wanting to take it one step further and really plan out how you will put it into action - check out Your Next Level Self’s downloadable Ultimate Annual Goal Planner to help you take your 2023 to the next level - it’ll be worth it!


The things that matter


Rest is productive.