Navigating change and uncertainty: a conscious time management approach

I have personally dealt with many big changes in my life, including moving countries, loss of a parent, job changes, changing career, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, having children and the breakdown of my marriage too - the majority of them happening before I turned 30! 

The Mental Health Foundation in the UK reported that 74% of adults have felt so stressed at some point in the last year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope, and significant life changes are major contributors to this stress (source). So I thought this might be a useful topic to explore further.

Understanding change and uncertainty

Change and uncertainty are integral parts of life, and it can manifest in a variety of ways both personally and professionally. Change refers to an alteration in the current state of affairs (and by state, I don’t mean that it’s necessarily a mess… just referring to how things are currently). The change could be moving jobs, relocating, changes in personal relationships. Whereas uncertainty is the lack of predictability that accompanies change. It might be the uneasy feeling of not knowing what happens next.

Change and uncertainty can impact our mental state, which influences our productivity and how we manage our time. Our stress levels can spike as we are confronted with the unknown, and it can manifest physically and emotionally. When we feel overwhelmed by change we might experience procrastination, where we delay tasks and decisions. This can be mentally exhausting and decision fatigue can impair our ability to make good decisions, which certainly complicates things further.

By understanding change and its impact, we can better prepare ourselves to handle it. This might look like strategies to manage our time and productivity, but also thinking about fostering a growth mindset and building resilience. Conscious time management can serve as a powerful tool to navigate change.

Strategies for navigating change with conscious time management

Here are four strategies that can help you to navigate change:

  • Mindfulness

  • Flexible planning

  • Prioritisation techniques

  • Mindful goal setting


    Mindfulness is a superpower! It can help you navigate change by keeping you present and focused, reducing stress and anxiety. There was a study that showed that 47% of our waking time is spent not in the moment; we’re busying our mind with thoughts of the past or worrying about the future (source). Mindfulness encourages a calm, clear mind, enabling better decision-making and flexibility. Through practices like meditation and mindful breathing, you can manage emotions - so that we are responding rather than reacting - and approach change with a resilient, positive mindset.

    “In 2010, Harvard psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert conducted a study with 2,250 subjects, checking with them at random times (via a phone app) to record what they were doing at that moment and what their mind was focused on. A quarter-million datapoints later, they determined that the test subjects (and all of us by extrapolation), had wandering minds, i.e. were not paying attention/fully engaged with what was right in front of them -- a whopping 47 percent of the time.” (source)

    Flexible planning

    I’m a huge advocate of planning, and when it comes to navigating change it can be a very beneficial strategy. Flexible planning helps you navigate change by allowing you to adapt plans as circumstances evolve. I’ve written previously for Digital Boost on what to do when the plan fails, which might be a useful read - you’ll find the article here. By creating a robust and mindful schedule, you can incorporate buffer or whitespace for unexpected events and build in regular review and reflection into your schedule too. This can help reduce stress and overwhelm.

    Prioritisation techniques

    When navigating change it might be helpful to revisit your priorities, allowing you to focus your efforts on the important tasks. I encourage my clients to get clear on their core values and future vision, as these can help steer your day-to-day in the right direction. What truly matters to you? These are useful exercises to return to when navigating change, as it’s possible they might change depending on what season you are in.

    Mindful goal setting

    Mindful goal setting not only helps us align our aspirations with our values but also cultivates a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment. Before diving into goal setting, take a moment to reflect on your core values. Mindfully examining your values will guide you towards setting goals that truly resonate with your authentic self. Mindful goal setting also involves setting clear intentions. Be precise about what you want to achieve, break it down into actionable steps, and set deadlines. (My inner project manager loves this stuff!!).

    Building resilience and maintaining wellbeing

    It can be important to build resilience and maintain your wellbeing to allow you to adapt to change. Here are some strategies to build resilience:

    • Self care - it can be difficult, especially as a working mum, to put yourself first and prioritise or make time for self care. However, I know that when I look after myself, physically and mentally, I’m able to weather changes more calmly.

    • Stress management - techniques to manage stress and emotions can be helpful. I’ve occasionally been in the proximity of my daughter when I’ve been doing some breathing exercises, and she really dislikes the noise I make when I’m emphasising my breath! Anyway, it is very helpful and can help keep you grounded by spending a few minutes focusing on your breathing. Another nice exercise to try is a candle gazing meditation.

    • Community - who you surround yourself also matters. Build a supportive network of friends, family or colleagues who can provide words of encouragement and assistance.

      Learning from adversity

      Being able to adopt a growth mindset and learn from our challenges can also be helpful. Rather than dwelling on the negative, or what could go wrong, instead can you focus on the positive. 

      I think it could be very easy for me to step into a negative mindset when I reflect on the challenges I’ve encountered throughout my life. With practice, I’m able to shift the language I use and instead see the lessons learned. These experiences have taught me the importance of conscious time management and productivity strategies in navigating life's unpredictable twists and turns.

      10 journal prompts for navigating change

      I think journaling can be a really helpful tool for navigating change. Here are 10 journal prompts that you might want to try:

      • Think about a past change you navigated successfully. What does successfully navigating change mean for you, and what strategies did you use for this change?

      • Write about a recent change you’ve experienced. How did you feel initially, and how do you feel now?

      • List some positive outcomes that have occurred as a result of change.

      • Write about something you are grateful for that has continued, despite any changes around you.

      • What emotions are you currently experiencing regarding a specific change in your life? Write about each and see what comes up.

      • What are your biggest fears or concerns relating to the change you’re facing? What’s the likelihood of these fears?

      • What’s the best that could happen?

      • Who in your life can provide you support in times of change and uncertainty?

      • What self-care do you need to help manage stress and maintain your wellbeing during change?

      • Visualise yourself after having navigated the change. What does it look like, and how do you feel?


      By understanding the nature of change and its impact on our mental state, we can better prepare ourselves to handle it. Conscious time management, encompassing mindfulness, flexible planning, prioritisation, and mindful goal setting, serves as a powerful approach to navigate change. These strategies not only enhance our productivity during change but also foster resilience and wellbeing.

      If you’d like more time management strategies, direct to your inbox. You can sign up for my weekly newsletter here, and soon I’ll be opening the doors to my signature programme, Project Manage Your Life. Join the waitlist here.


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