What is a system?

Organisation, systems and processes are my jam!

But what is a system, and a process, particularly when we think about in the context of a small business?

A business system is a combination of things that create an outcome, that helps you as a business owner achieve your goals and objectives. There is a purpose to a business system. Some of examples of systems in my business might be my marketing system, or my financial system. In my marketing system, one of the purposes is to attract customers to my business.

Processes are the ‘how’. These are the activities that sit within the system to make it work. For example, part of my marketing system is my email newsletter… and I have a process for how I create these weekly articles for my subscribers.

The reason that you might want to implement business systems and processes is to increase efficiencies, or to improve accuracy (in other words, decrease mistakes or errors). They will also be essential if your goal is to grow and scale your business.

I also use systems in my home.

One of my simple examples of systems in my home involves milk of all things!

It was 8am on a weekday morning, and I discovered that I didn't have any milk in the fridge for the kids breakfast cereal (or my cup of tea!)… How did I manage to end up forgetting to buy milk, yet again?!?

As a single mum, once my children were tucked up in bed for the night I was essentially stuck at home. If I didn't have milk (or nappies, or whatever else I may have needed)…I wasn't able to pop out to the shops, and instead you'd find me texting nearby friends to see if anyone could do me a favour.

It's a lot easier now my kids are older (my son is nearly 13 years old now, and my daughter is 11)… but I can vividly remember the days of being tied to the house and how frustrating it was.

I'm a heck of a lot more organised now than I was back then… these days I have my milk on subscription from a local dairy. I get glass bottles delivered twice a week to my front door, and I haven't had a situation where I've been stuck.

It's a simple example, but a powerful one. It shows that setting up some systems in your home life can make things simpler, calmer and easier.

As a business owner, it's tempting to jump straight to the business systems and processes… however, I firmly believe that establishing such processes and systems in your home life is the true first step.

With my home life in order, it certainly makes my work life less stressful.

artwork by sarah stewart with the words what is a business system? small business tips

Applying ‘5S’ in your home


The apple experiment